The Order of Carmel is one of the most ancient religious orders, under the patronage of the Mother of Carmel, living a life of prayer and contemplation and apostolic service. It was founded on Mount Carmel at the dawn of the thirteenth century and is spread throughout the world. In India too, there are many Carmelite communities.
The story of Carmel is a story of love, of prayer and of sacrifice. It is a story of courageous men and women who respond to a call from God – a call into the desert, to the place where heaven meets earth, where time meets eternity. It is a story of people who, like the merchant in the Gospel, sell all they possess in search of the pearl of great price – union with God. Many of these people have been recognized for the holiness of their lives and are now venerated saints and blessed by the church. Others, unknown to the world, have poured out their lives in hidden prayer and sacrifice.
The Cloistered Carmel in Mangaluru: Bishop Marie Ephrem the vicar apostolic of Mangaluru desired to have Carmelite nuns in Mangaluru to help him by their life of prayer and sacrifice. Thus 2 nuns and a novice arrived in Mangaluru from Carmel of Pau, France on November 19 1870. They were housed in St Ann’s Convent till 1882. A site known as Sacred Heart Hill was chosen in Kankanady for building a Carmelite Monastery. On August 15 1880, the foundation stone was laid and on March 19 1882, the feast of St Joseph, the Monastery was blessed and the Carmelites took possession of it.
Our Apostolate and Life: Our life is continual prayer and penance for the Church for sanctification of priests, for conversion of sinners and for salvation of souls. For our sustenance, we prepare the hosts and particles, Mass vestments, scapulars etc, besides we do all the ordinary household tasks like cooking, washing, sweeping, gardening etc. Twice a day we come together for recreation.
Call to Carmel: If you desire to follow our Lord as a Carmelite there is a period of ‘Live – In’ experience or ‘Come and See.’ You may come inside and have your own personal experience of what life is at the Carmel for one or two months. After which you return home and if you wish to be a Carmelite you can apply.
Our Address: Mother Prioress, Cloistered Carmel, Kankanady, Mangaluru – 575 002, Telephone number: 0824-243 7552, E-mail: