News by Gordon DAlmeida
Pics by Stanly Bantwal

Catholic Sabha Valencia Unit celebrated its 25 years jubilee on 01 June 2024. At 5pm thanksgiving Mass was celebrated. Parish Priest Fr Roque Dsa was the main celebrant. Fr John Vas and Fr William Barrocas con-celebrated.

Grand celebration was held at the Golden Jubilee Hall at 6pm. The program began with a prayer dance.The event was inaugurated by lighting of the lamp. Immediate Past President Noel Menezes welcomed the gathering. Chief guest for the program was Alwyn Pinto (NRI Entrepreneur and Philanthropist). The event was graced by parish priest Fr Roque DSa, Catholic Sabha Episcopal City Deanery Spiritual Director Fr John Vas, Asst PP Fr Pradeep Rodrigues, Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh (R) President Alwyn Panir, Deanery President Ida Furtado, MCC Bank Chairman Anil Lobo, Valencia Church Parish Council secretary Rita Menezes, Unit President Merlyn Rego, Unit Secretary Jacintha Barreto, Unit IPP Noel Menezes were present of the dais.

Fr Pradeep Rodrigues the new Assistant Parish Priest was welcomed and honoured. Annual report of the unit was read by immediate past secretary Nancy DSouza. The Artist of the drama and assistants were given a memento as a token of gratitude. All the ex-presidents of the unit were honoured with a shawl, memento and sapling. On behalf of the ex-presidents Anil Lobo spoke during the occasion.

Alwyn Pinto speaking during the occasion, "He Lauded Valencia Parish for being an example to people in various ways in the whole diocese. The Catholic Sabha Valencia unit has been exceptionally successful and has been very supportive to many people in various ways. He appreciated the great efforts taken by the unit. He also expressed his belief that the unit will continue to grow and continue the good work which it has been doing from the past 25years".

Parish Priest Fr Roque in his speech mentioned that ,"Catholic Sabha Valencia Unit has been a consistent unit in all their activities.He appreciated the fact that he was very much happy to be a part of this unit as their director. He also expressed his pleasure at the work that Catholic Sabha had done during the Covid-19 pandemic. The unit has reached to the most needy family in the parish and have gone out of their way to help them and ensure that they have been given the best. He specifically mentioned that Catholic Sabha Valencia unit members have reached heights and have become an example to others in the society. They have also brought laurels to our parish and the entire Christian community. He wished good luck and pressed to keep up the spirit and to continue the good work which they have been doing".

During the grand event KAZARACHI DHOTORN comedy drama was staged. The actors of the drama were Mellu Valencia, Richa Valencia, Appu Valencia and Clitu Urwa. Robin Sequeira and Neil managed the music of the drama. Lizzie Pinto and Janet Pereira assisted the production. Chris Electronics managed the sound and light.

Unit president Merlyn Rego proposed the vote of thanks. Janet Pereira compered the program. The grand celebration concluded with a scrumptious dinner prepared by New PL Caterers. Around 600 parishioners attended the celebration.

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