News by Gordon D'Almeida
Pics by Nikhil D'Souza

Rev Fr Roque D’Sa, parish priest of St Vincent Ferrer Church Valencia celebrated his 60th birthday on 11 September 2020.

Fr Roque celebrated thanksgiving mass at 6.30am in the morning. After the mass a short program was held where Fr Roque was honoured. Parish Council members, various association members, Gurkars, religious from various convents and Parishioners wished him on his auspicious day.

As a token of love, David Pais honoured him with a shawl. He was garlanded by Asst PP Fr Lancy D'Souza, peta was put by Fr William Barrocas, memento was given by Steevan Rodrigues and citation was read and presented by former parish council vice-president Anil Lobo.

Asst PP Fr Lancy D’Souza, Resident Priest Fr Joswin D’Souza , Fr William Barrocas, Parish Council Vice-President David Pais , Secretary Rita Menezes were also present.

Parishioners enthusiastically participated in the mass keeping the safety regulations in mind. Rita Menezes wonderfully compered the program.

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Valencia, Mangalore 575002

Phone: 0824-2951621