29th   Ordinary Time (Mission Sunday – 18/10/2015)

  1. This week we have following meeting
    1. Monday 6 P.M. Youth committee
    2. Monday 4.30 P.M. III Order
    3. Tuesday at 6 P.M. Catholic Sabha
  2. Inauguration of VPL Tournament will be held on Saturday 24th October at 9.00 A.M. at Nehru Maidan.  We wish all success for the tournament.
  3. Picnic for altar Servers and Marian Sodality will be held on Thursday, 22nd October.  On that day all are requested to gather in the church premises at 7.00 A.M.
  4. On 23rd October our altar servers will be participating in the Football Match which will be held at Cordel Church grounds.  We wish them all the best.
  5. YCS Sambram 2015 will be held on next Sunday from 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Milagres Sanet Hall.  We request all YCS students to participate in it.
  6. On 2nd November we remember the faithful departed.  On 1st of November at 5.00 P.M. there will be Mass in the cemetery followed by the blessings of the graves.  As a preparation for this next Sunday there is a Shramadan in the cemetery at 4.00 P.M.  We request the Parishioners to participate in it. We also request you to give mordom and sponsors to bear the expenses.  Masses for the departed you can give in the church office.
  7. Yesterday 49 students received the Sacrament of confirmation.  We congratulate them.  We thank our Bishop Most Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D’souza for his love and concern towards our parish.
  8. This week on Wednesday evening mass and Thursday morning after the mass we will bless the vehicles.  Those who wish to bless their vehicles can participate in this ceremony.
  9. Today is mission Sunday.  Those who want to contribute a little more welcome to do so in the church office.

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